IPL Skin rejuvenation treatments including, acne management, pigmentation correction, photo-rejuvenation and vascular therapy are just some of the treatment options performed by our fully qualified therapists. With an in-depth consultation we customise your treatment to suit you and your skins needs. Male or Female... you can definitely benefit from the advanced skin treatments available at Urban Wax & Beauty. We're your #1 Darwin IPL place to go!


Treatments for Pigmentation, Acne, Vascular and Skin Rejuvenation

IPL Darwin


Pigmentation Correction 

Whether born with them or acquired over the course of a lifetime, virtually everyone has one or more sun spots, freckles or some skin discolouration they would love to get rid of! Pigmentation correction treatments can effectively fade and remove age spots, sun spots and discolouration to greatly improve overall skin tone, texture and radiance.  

A doctor’s letter confirming that no skin cancers are present might be required before commencing your treatment

IPL Darwin

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

The amount of treatments are dependent on the type of pigmentation and the amount being treated. On average though 2-4 treatments are required at a 1 month interval.    

How Does Pigmentation Correction Work?

This treatment is achieved by thermal defragmentation where the melanin is the chromophore and absorbs the IPL light. The light is converted into heat energy causing it to scatter and dissipate through the body's lymphatic system. The surrounding tissue retains its integrity, this is a non-ablative technique. The pigmentation targeted darkens immediately and will continue to do so over a 24hr period approximately 10 days later a micro-crust may be formed and falls away. It is important not to scratch the micro-crusting and it may cause the area to scar.


pre-pay Packages available

  • 2 treatments 15% off

  • 4 treatments 20% off





Vascular Treatment

Estimates indicate that unsightly veins are a common problem for more than 60% of the adult population! Our trained therapists can offer treatments which will reduce facial vascular blemishes, thread veins and red spots found on cheeks and around the nose and help manage red flushing (Rosacea). There is minimal downtime or risk and allows for a more even, uniform complexion.  

IPL Darwin

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Treatments need to be at intervals of 7-14 days and 1-4 treatments are normally required depending on the type of vascular treatment and amount. It is necessary to have the treatments within 7-14 days because you need to treat the vessels again before they have time to heal themselves. 

How Does Vascular Therapy Work?

The IPL light is absorbed by the blood vessel and is converted into heat, resulting in the capillaries/vessels coagulating. The body then absorbs and removes the dead capillaries/vessels through the lymphatic system and the vessels quickly clear.

pre-pay Packages available

  • 2 treatments 15% off

  • 4 treatments 20% off

  • 6 treatments 25% off





Acne Treatments

Our trained therapists are able to offer IPL based acne management programs for their clients. These unique treatments are designed to specifically slow the overall production of oil that leads to acne, thus dramatically reducing the chance of spots and minimising the appearance of pores in general. Results will vary, but most people will see a significant improvement in skin condition. 

Any acne medications are a contraindication and would need to be stopped prior to your treatment.  The amount of time needed before treatments can begin would be dependent on the type of medication.

IPL Darwin

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Acne treatments ideally need to be at 3 day intervals to see the best results to help manage your acne.

How Do Acne Management Treatments Work?

Acne treatments will help manage your acne by targeting the P.Acnes bacteria, killing it and reducing the severity. As inflamed lesions contain a large amount of blood around them, they can be treated simultaneously as well as acne scarring thus reducing the appearance of acne.  


pre-pay Packages available

  • 5 treatments 20% off

  • 10 treatments 25% off





Rejuvenation Treatment


Everybody loves the sunshine!

Limited exposure is good for the soul and the immediate effects it has on the skin such as a tan and healthy glow are much desired. However, in the long term, sun exposure decreases the production of collagen, which in turn causes damage to the skin making it feel wrinkled and coarse and looking red and tired. Rejuvenation treatments reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, smooth out irregularities and enhance your skins overall luminosity for a revitalised giving you a youthful glow.  

IPL Darwin

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

The amount of treatments are dependent on personal preference as to when your happy with the results but normally 2-6 treatments are required before maintenance treatments are booked. Treatments are normally booked around 1 month apart. 

How Do Rejuvenation Treatments Work?

The rejuvenation treatments work by tricking the skin into thinking its being thermally traumatised, to stimulate the wound healing response. The IPL light is absorbed by the skin, heating the water causing it to vaporise. This causes the fibroblast to become stimulated increasing the production on elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid.     


pre-pay Packages available

  • 2 treatments 15% off

  • 4 treatments 20% off

  • 6 Treatments 25% off

